Angkor Golf Resort

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Bird Survey in Angkor Golf Resort

Hoopoe (Upupa epops)

A recent bird survey conducted by Sam Veasna center for Wildlife Conservation, reported that there are currently 70 different bird species nesting and feeding within Angkor Golf Resort.

Good environmental practices have encouraged local wildlife to inhabit Angkor Golf Resort which is seen as haven for local and migratory bird's and other mammals.

In October last year, Golf Legend Sir Nick Faldo took time out of his busy schedule to release soft shelled turtles, an endangered species into the lakes of Angkor Golf Resort.

The green oasis of Angkor Golf Resort attracts 'winter visitors' such as the Hoopoe and White wagtail, amongst other species.

Indigenous sugar palm's, uncultivated grasses and wetlands all provide wildlife corridors, whilst enhancing the beauty of this international golf course.

Complete bird survey record:

NoEnglish NameScientific Name

1Barred ButtonquailTurnix suscitator

2Cotton Pygmy GooseNettapus coromandelianus

3Little CormorantPhalacrocorax niger

4Indian CormorantPhalacrocorax fuscicollis

5Oriental DarterAnhinga melanogaster

6Yellow BitternIxobrychus sinensis

7Cinnamon BitternIxobrychus cinnamomeus

8Little EgretEgretta garzetta

9Eastern cattle EgretBubulcus coromandus

10Chinese Pond HeronArdeola bacchus

11Javan Pond HeronArdeola speciosa

12Black-shouldered KiteElanus caeruleus

13OspreyPandion haliaetus

14Common KestrelFalcon tinnunculus

15Peregrine FalconFalcon peregrinus

16Little-ringed PloverCharadrius dubius

17Pacific Golden PloverPluvialis fulva

18Common SnipeGallinago gallinago

19Common GreenshankTringa nebularia

20Common SandpiperActitis hypoleucos

21Spotted DoveStreptopelia chinensis

22Red-collared DoveStreptopelia tranquebarica

23Zebra DoveGeopelia striata

24Plaintive CuckooCacomantis merulinus

25Lesser CoucalCentropus bengalensis

26Spotted OwletAthene brama

27Asian PalmswiftCypsiurus balasiensis

28Common KingfisherAlcedo atthis

29Black-capped KingfisherHalcyon pileata

30Pied KingfisherCeryle rudis

31White-throated KingfisherHalcyon smyrnensis

32Blue-tailed Bee-eaterMerops philippinus

33Indian RollerCoracias benghalensis

34Coppersmith BarbetMenalaima haemacephala

35Black-naped OrioleOriolus chinensis

36Ashy Wood SwallowArtamus fuscus

37Black-naped MonarchHypothymis azurea

38Southern Jungle CrowCorvus macrorhynchos

39Black DrongoDicrurus macrocecus

40Brown ShrikeLanius cristatus

41Scaly-breasted MuniaLonchura punctulata

42Eurasian Tree SparrowPasser montanus

43Plain-backed SparrowPasser flaveolus

44Paddyfield PitpitAnthus rfulus

45Richard's PitpitAnthus richardi

46Eastern yellow WagtailMotacilla tschutschensis

47Common MynaAcridotheres tristis

48White-vented MynaAcridotheres grandis

49Black-collared StarlingSturnus nigricollis

50Blue Rock ThrushMonticola solitarius

51Oriental Magpie RobinCopsychus saularis

52Eastern StonechatSaxicola mauras

53Pied BushchatSaxicola caprata

54Streak-eared BulbulPycnonotus blanfordi

55Yellow-vented BulbulPycnonotus goiavier

56Barn SwallowHirundos rustica

57Oriental Reed WarblerAcrocephalus orientalis

58Lanceolated WarblerLocustella lanceolata

59Dusky WarblerPhylloscopus fuscatus

60Plain PriniaPrinia inornata

61Nightjar species 

62Crake species 

63Idian Spot-billed DuckAnas poecilorhyncha

64Yellow-browed WarblerPhylloscopus inornatus

65Taiga FlycatcherFicedula albicilla

66Ashy MinivetPericrocotus divaricatus

67White WagtailMotacilla alba

68Rock PigeonColumba livia

69Common HoopoeUpupa epops

70Chesnut-tailed StarlingSturnus malabaricus